Fiona Duthie

Felt artist Combines silk papers and wool fibres to create a string surface that will absorb inks. Big Ink In every piece I use materials created by fire. I use sumi-e ink created from soot from burning wood, suspended in natural resins or glues.  I also work with charred wood- wood burnt and worked over …

Jenny Hill

As an award-winning fiber artist, I create luxurious, high-end pieces of wearable art and interior art. Using only hand friction, soap and water, I bond wool and silk fibers together to create lightweight, one-of-a-kind garments and accessories that are as unique as the individuals who wear them. My creations are timeless, beautiful and bold, evoking …

Claudy Jongstra Beautiful colours - ?could achieve these with weld and cochineal? I absolutely resonate with this work.  “I connect natural history and cultural history and this requires a permanent study. I want to learn from the persons I work with and work for. Reversely I hope that they also want to learn …

Materials Source Lab

Visit February 15th 2023 Thoughts: A great resource for interiors designers and architects. The wool products were made form imported New Zealand Merino wool. Acoustic wall panels, tiles and ceiling 'clouds' - synthetic manufactured. There is room for wool felted materials here.

Augmented Weaving

....Shown at the Dutch Design week (DDW22) ...a series of collaborations around the technique of jacquard weaving and digital forms of craft. The project was initiated by Anita Michaluszko and Flavia Bon in 2021.  Digital weaving Norway Digital Weaving Norway Anita Michaluszko and Flavia Bon I find this very interesting - design the …