Preparing for natural dyeing 2024

Last year I experimented with natural dyes, creating a palette of colours that reflect the area I live in – Shropshire UK.

Alongside homegrown plant materials I augment my colour palette with natural dye extracts – easy to mix in solution and they have a certain consistency. For example, I will get a much deeper red from a good madder extract and blue from indigo crystal, however weld, coreopsis, buddleia and onion skins can be grown in my garden for strong yellows and greens and browns.

Today I planted out young coreopsis plants and second year Weld (biennial) – they grow happily in with other herbaceous plants.


Coreopsis ready to be planted into a bed.

Hop Amaranth

I discovered Hopi Amaranth – a North American plant that produces a strong red dye that is traditionally used by the native Hopi Indians to dye yarns for their hand woven rugs. This beautiful plant grows to 120cm- 180cm tall. It has bright red stems and foliage and tall, scarlet, feathery bracts.

How to grow Amaranth:

  1. Sow indoors in April
  2. Plant out after the last frost (end of May)
  3. Harvest: Any time after flowers open.

My little seeds are tiny as I was late sowing – and I was amazed to see they are already a deep red!

How I plan to process the amaranth

  • Mordant the wool with Alum or potassium alum
  • Equal amount of plant stuff to wool – 50:50 ratio.
  • Soak the seed head, stem and leaves in cool water to extract colour – leave for a day.
  • Heat the dye pot to 60C for an hour, the leave to cool and sit for 2-3days.
  • Once the dye is extracted add the wool fibre.
  • Bring the temperature back up to 60 C for at least 1 hour. Then leave to cool for 24 hours or more.

My Natural dye and naturally coloured fibre Palette

Natural dye Light Fast Test

I will post as my plants mature and I begin to dye wool through the summer – what a wonderful thing to look forward to!

2 Replies to “Preparing for natural dyeing 2024”

  1. Oh my gosh MOLLY !! ITS SO GREAT TO SEE FROM YOU !!! How have you been?? this dyeing thing has always been a thing on my list… i did one course in person…and i was hooked… i don’t have a good set up YET…… BUT.WOULD LIKE TO IN THE FUTURE….. 🙂

    I have been thinking of you often…..and i never meant to loose touch…. things got rough with my parents…(mom) still having issues….. and i dropped off the face of the planet…

    long story…. needless to say I’m trying to get back my creative mojo….. still working on my sculpture…..{ i feel so bad about that 😦 }

    it looks like you are really rocking this dyeing thing…. thank you for including me…. this is truly inspiring….

    talk soon?? Most Sincerely… Andii



    1. Hi Andy
      Lovely to hear from you!
      I’m sorry to hear you have had a hard time and please don’t apologise! I have been there and it’s difficult with elderly parents.
      Your lovely sculpture will be done when you are ready so don’t worry – I can help if you need ti and happy to chat anytime to atch up – let me know.
      I love the natural dyeing and plan to do some soon and work on a wall mounted piece – a bit different!
      Let me know some days when we can chat – this week is going to be busy with family but next week is fine (not Thursday).
      Lots of love
      Molly xx


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