Fiona Duthie

Felt artist

Combines silk papers and wool fibres to create a string surface that will absorb inks.

Big Ink

In every piece I use materials created by fire. I use sumi-e ink created from soot from burning wood, suspended in natural resins or glues.  I also work with charred wood- wood burnt and worked over to press the soot into the surface and reveal the textured grain.  This aspect of fire in the materials relates to nurturing our inner strengths through times of crisis, finding a path to access our interior coals and blowing gently over them, fueling our plasticity and ability to move forward.

Fiona’s first business was designing and making clothes. She is well know for her innovative method of combining silk paper with wool fibres. Fiona learned/developed the process while on a work experience in Japan.

I met Fiona at a felting workshop in the USA in 2019. Her work ethic inspires me.

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